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Relationships for wake up!

One of the things that our OM practice teaches us, is that the deeply felt experience of two people relating, requires that they both have the ability to stay with each other through uncomfortable feelings and even when it feels like the ground beneath them is shifting.

This kind of relating also asks that both people acknowledge the reality of the moment, including who each of them really is, and how they are both behaving.

The level of honesty and authenticity required for ‘relationships for wake up,’ is far from the safe constructs many of us were used to building to contain our relationships in the past.

Relating this way, we may no longer have the safety of fixed agreements based on fixed roles, but we gain access to fuller self expression and the ability to go deeper with another than we ever have done before. We have come across the secret of keeping a relationship alive - telling the truth about our deepest desires!

Cultivating the courage to surrender to this level of truth-telling, has the potential to really wake us up. We experience the aliveness and expansion in growth that comes with surrender and for the first time have an impactful experience of connection.

Counterintuitively our focus often shifts. We may lose our fixation on how long our relationships last, discovering anyway that even short-lived relationships, can have the nutrient we seek. We may even abandon the search for the perfect partnership that will give us all the money, status symbols, and success we thought we needed. Instead we turn our attention to the daily cultivation of the true freedom to be with what’s so and the agency to go in, immerse ourselves, and emerge from any kind of circumstances!

Reading from the Wednesday 3rd June International OM Community iOM meeting

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