OM changed our definition of the word Orgasm.
We came to realise that Orgasm isn’t an event, neither is it a rare object that everyone wants but few possess.
Our practice showed us that Orgasm is something we intrinsically are, a state of being that connects us to others beyond the differences of race and class.
Orgasm not only expanded our capacity for connection with others but also taught us how to feed the hunger inside that many of us felt, but couldn’t satisfy with anything else.
Far from simply being the peak of a sexual encounter, we discovered that Orgasm could expand the range of sensation we could consciously experience by sharpening our attention and showing us how to relax in our bodies.
It gave us new access to our desires and drew us magnetically to what we want, enhancing our ability to enjoy our lives and live with greater focus and power.
OM showed us that Orgasm is fundamental to our lives - foundational to a sense of power, fulfilment, and of being able to communicate and create lasting connection with others.
Reading from the Thursday 12th November 2020 International iOM Meeting